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    Energy and media savings
    Energy and media-efficient enviro products
    Energy and media-efficient enviro products
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      Top technology for ecologically efficient production

      Achieving more with less: The demand for an ecologically efficient production in the industrial goods business has been there for quite a while now, for a good reason: On the one hand, the legislative organs as well as the consumers are focussing more and more on means of production that preserve resources. On the other hand, they bring about advantages also to the operating companies - if they do not affect performance or profitability, of course.

      Therefore, the cumulative innovation power of Krones design and development unfolds in the enviro machines. Only in this way can we meet the standards that we have set for ourselves: equipping the beverage and food industry with trendsetting technology that allows for a production that is performant and, at the same time, gentle on resources.

      In order to assure you that we are actually meeting these demands, we have placed enviro on the test stand and had it certified by an independent expert, the TÜV SÜD. The result: Krones machines that don the enviro seal meet at least the EME standard and thus fulfil all requirements for economic as well as energy and media-efficient production.

      Fact check: the way to ecological efficiency

      How does an enviro machine come into being? Quite simply: It is the tangible result of Krones' sweeping sustainability strategy. Because a management system approved by TÜV SÜD ensures that enviro targets are firmly anchored in the product development process at Krones. So the Krones product design is oriented towards sustainability right from the start. Eventually, the ecological efficiency of the developed products is assessed wth a special enviro test procedure. This test procedure has also been certified by TÜV SÜD. It examines the machine concept with regard to

      • More efficient and eco-friendly alternatives
      • Efficiency of the used components
      • Minimisation of losses
      • Optimal configuration
      • Adjustment of the energy and medium consumption to the various operating conditions
      • Possible re-use of heat and media
      • Recirculation and recycling
      • Reduction of resources
      • Environmentally safe resources
      • Leakage detection approaches
      • Hygienic Design

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